In January we visited a new ministry in Cap Hatien, Haiti called Second Mile Ministries. We met the co-founders in Tucson, and were excited to see first hand what the ministry is planning.
After attending a conference in Port au Prince with an organization that is doing a great work with Business and Missions in Haiti, Partners Worldwide we drove 7 hours to Cap Haiten, which is located on the north side of island.
Jenn and Amy (pictured above) with two Haitian "nannies" will open a care facility for families with sick children. They will provide medical care and training for families with no means to get the treatment and medications needed for their children.
The opportunity for business development is great. The need is even greater. With so much disaster relief funding entering Haiti over the past 2 years, it has never been more necessary for long-term, sustainable, income generating options to be explored with the people of Haiti.